Click on the Password Management link found on the left sidebar under and follow the prompts to enter your username, email address and then the answers to your challenge questions. When prompted, enter your new password and click continue.
NOTE: You must choose and answer challenge questions to be able to reset your password.
Remember the following rules when entering a new password:
Your password must have:
- a minimum of 12 characters.
- You may not use a previous password
- Your password must not contain parts of your first, last, or logon name
- You cannot reuse any of your previous passwords
- Your password requires a minimum of 3 of the 4 character types listed below:
- 1 upper case character (A-Z)
- 1 lower case character (a-z)
- 1 numeric character (0-9)
- 1 special character (!~ @#$%^&*_-+=?)
To Set Up Your Forgotten Password Challenge Questions
To set up the Password Challenge Questions, you must log into the portal using your TSCT network username and password.
If the challenge question page does not appear after you log on, do the following:
- Click on the Password Management link found on the left sidebar
- Select the "Change Challenge Questions and Answers" link
- Choose three questions and enter your answers.
Remember the answers that you enter; you will need to enter them exactly when prompted during the reset password procedure.
Changing Your current TSCT network password
Login to the TSCT Portal using your TSCT network username and password. Select the Password Management link located on the left sidebar of the page. Follow the prompts to set your new password.
Remember the password rules when creating a new password.
More Help/Questions
For detailed instructions on how to create/modify your challenge questions or change your current password, please review the 'Forgot Your Password' document found in the IT How To section on this page.
If you are still having issues resetting your password, please visit or contact the CNS Department in the Mellor Building on the main campus located in room LL5 or on the 4th floor of the branch campus. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 4:30PM.